
Our vision for goGrace.org is to be the online source of personal testimonies from millions of Christians worldwide, that through these stories many may be encouraged and many more may come to know Jesus.

Our personal testimony is literally God at work—specifically—in us. It is the greatest answered prayer—voiced by those we know and those we do not. And, the best part: it’s not based on what we’ve done. It is 100% grace. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8)

The Bible says that, “there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Luke 15:10) Indeed, as there’s a party in heaven, we too should celebrate down here on Earth. And what better way to commemorate our faith in Jesus than to write out our personal testimony? It is our praise in prose, our spiritual marker in print, our response to God’s gift of salvation.

Our testimony is also a powerful vehicle for evangelism. There is no better statement of God’s impact on our lives than the story of how we’ve been changed by God’s love and mercy, of how we we’ve been brought from spiritual darkness into light. So we do greatly encourage you to share your testimony through your social networks. God may use it to sow a seed in an unbeliever’s heart.

Our testimony can also serve as a tool to aid others in their missional efforts. For example, if a brother wants to learn how best to engage with his coworker, he can read testimonies on how similar people have come to accept Christ. These real-life stories can provide much more insight and depth than many mission-focused books.

Just like our lives, GoGrace.org is a work-in-progress. We are a non-profit, so we are tight on resources. If you have any suggestions/issues or want to help, drop us a note!

For God’s Glory,

5 Nov 2016

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